Showing 2305–2316 of 2390 results
‘America’s Tiger’
Liejon Schoot builds ‘712’ using Dragon’s Tiger I kit.
The IDF’s monster APC modelled in 1:35th scale by Ilya Yut.
Blitzkrieg Route March
Roberto Aguilera directs a team of leading modellers in this fall of France diorama project.
T-62 Mineroller
Andy Gulden teams.
Sold out
SDB3 Dauntless
Trumpeter’s large scale Dauntless modelled by Thomas de la Fuente
Superbad Spad
Kamil Feliks Sztarbala dishes the dirt on Tamiya’s 1:48.
Iraqi T-69 II
Andy Taylor converts Tamiya’s T55 to a worn-out Iraqi warrior
T-69 II Walk Around
Close-up reference of the real deal.
Sold out
Jerome Lorusso builds Trumpeter’s large scale Thunderbolt
Marc Guerrero describes his build of the Wingnut Wings 1:32 scale kit
of the iconic.
Don Steppe Gully
Alexander Zelenkov describes his Eastern Front diorama
Berlin 1945
The second part of Aitor Azkue’s stunning riverside diorama
New Zealand Special.
Berlin 1945
This first part of Aitor Azkue’s stunning riverside diorama
‘Catch Me If You Can’
Volker Bembennek’s derelict museum yard Stug III.
Sold out
Adam Wilder pulls out all the stops with his Paper Panzer project
AFV Club’s New Duster
Matt Kirk builds the impressive new.
‘Killer Kiwi’ New Zealand Firefly
Mike Sicilia describes Dragon’s Sherman Mk1C Firefly Hybrid
Small Scale Libyian T-72
1:72nd Revell T-72 kit extensively reworked.
Tiger Grab
Radek Pituch describes his photo-inspired scene with a captured Tiger.
Andy Taylor backdates the Tamiya T-55 kit.
StuH. 42 Ausf G
Sold out
Snipers in the Citadel
Part two of Mark Neville’s Hue City, Vietnam 1968 diorama.
Mixed Grille
Adam Wilder describes the techniques behind his.
Potez 63-11
Zdenek Sebesta models the French WWII reconnaissance
aircraft using the 1:48 Azur kit.
Corsair II TA-7
Francois Regis-Binder builds the Hobby Boss.
Showing 2305–2316 of 2390 results